Blenders & Juicers

juicers in Qatar are becoming the latest health craze. Everybody is trying to live healthier and follow new diets that rely on juicers for a majority of your nutrients. Wheatgrass is one of the healthiest foods available that can only be consumed once juiced in a specialty juicer. If you’re looking to live a healthier life and drink fresh vegetables and fruits on a daily basis, a juicer or blender is well worth the investment as a kitchen appliance . Blender are great for smoothies and alcoholic drinks but can also be used to create purees and to chop vegetables into small chunks on the lower settings.
Types of Juicers and Blenders
There are many types of blenders and juicers available that can create different types of drinks depending on what you’re looking for. If you grow your own wheatgrass and want to juice that to drink and consume all its many health benefits, you will need a specialty wheatgrass juicer just for that. Other juicers can juice almost any type of fruit or vegetable for delicious fresh orange juice or apple juice to start the perfect day. Blenders can be great in addition to a juicer so you can blend those juices into a delicious fresh smoothie along with ice and maybe even some yogurt.
Category details on pricena
The Blenders & Juicers category on pricena has more than 367 products and 50 brands ,sold by 2 Stores. The prices of Blenders & Juicers in Qatar range from QAR 1 to QAR 2699. The most popular brands are Braun, Moulinex, Panasonic, Ikon, Philips. You can refine the search results of Blenders & Juicers products by using advanced filters by brand, price range, store, .. The most popular Blenders & Juicers products on pricena are Panasonic Blender MX-EX1021 400W , Philips blender hr2041 30 450, Bajaj Wet Grinder, 2 L,, Panasonic Blender MX-EX1521WTZ 450W , Ikon Stand Mixer IK-6514 1200W. By comparing prices before you buy, you can achieve Average savings in this category of QAR 40 and up to QAR 40.
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18.54 QAR
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