
The ultimate college student kitchen appliance , a microwave can cook almost anything in minutes. For those without a kitchen living in a dorm or even a studio apartment, microwaves can heat up leftovers from the night before, frozen food and even thaw frozen meats. Out of all the kitchen accessories or kitchen gadgets available, microwaves are one of the most versatile appliances available, especially for limited spaces. There are many types of microwaves available specifically for limited spaces as well as for higher budgets.
Types of Microwaves Available
The two main types of microwaves in Qatar that are commonly available are countertop and under the cabinet. Microwaves that you can mount above your stove are typically larger but will save a lot of space since they aren’t sitting on top of your counter. Countertop microwaves tend to be smaller and less expensive but the price mainly depends on the brand and technology. Some microwaves will be digital and where you can view the time as well as the temperature and how long you’re cooking your food for. Others are more simplistic and will just have one dial to set the time for your food.
Category details on pricena
The Microwaves category on pricena has more than 40 products and 28 brands ,sold by 2 Stores. The prices of Microwaves in Qatar range from QAR 115 to QAR 8999. The most popular brands are Ikon, Sharp, Samsung, Hisense, LG. You can refine the search results of Microwaves products by using advanced filters by brand, price range, store, .. The most popular Microwaves products on pricena are Hisense Microwave Oven H30MOWS10H 30L, Ikon Microwave Oven with Grill, Ikon Microwave Oven P70H20P-S4 20Ltr, Samsung Microwave ME6194ST 54Ltr , Toshiba Convection Microwave Oven ML-EC42S
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